We are excited to announce that APWA's affiliated non-profit organization, the Anchorage Petroleum Women's Foundation, raised $40,869.62 for our 2017-2018 Non-Profit Partner, The Arc of Anchorage.
The funds raised will go to support The Arc of Anchorage's Inclusion Scholarship, a new scholarship fund created by The Arc. The scholarship fund will allow eligible clients at The Arc to receive funding to participate in The Arc's many services. Visit The Arc of Anchorage's website to learn more about this local organization. We would like to extend our deepest thanks to our members and community partners who helped us raise the funds. APWA annually selects a local non-profit organization as its Non-Profit Partner. APWA members volunteer for this organization and raise funds for the organization throughout the year. Visit our Become a Non-Profit Partner page to learn more about our annual Non-Profit Partner program.
September 2021