The Anchorage Petroleum Women's Association and its affiliated 501(c)3, the Anchorage Petroleum Women's Foundation, is governed by the following constitution and by-laws. Upon joining the organization, all members are provided this documentation in their annual directory. For ease of access and transparency, the constitution and by-laws are also listed below.
If you have questions about the rules outlined below, please contact the current APWA President or Parliamentarian.
The constitution and by-laws were last amended in April 2018.
Article I: name
The name of this organization shall be Anchorage Petroleum Women’s Association, Inc.
Article II: Purpose
The Anchorage Petroleum Women’s Association seeks to serve the Anchorage-area petroleum industry by providing its members with opportunities for social contact, personal growth, and community involvement. Women not associated with the petroleum industry are also welcome.
Article III: Membership
All membership types will have voting privileges. Section 1. Eligibility for Membership Women currently or formerly associated with the petroleum industry (employed by or partner of employee) are eligible for petroleum membership. Women must be 18 years of age or older. Petroleum industry association is defined as personal or partner’s employment with the following: oil companies, companies whose business activities are the same as those to be found in the petroleum industry, and service companies whose work primarily serves the petroleum industry in Alaska. Section 2. Associate Membership Women who do not meet the requirements for petroleum membership wishing to participate in the Anchorage Petroleum Women’s Association activities are eligible for associate membership. Women must be 18 years of age or older. These members may serve as Standing Committee Directors at the discretion of the Executive Board. A ratio of no more than 50% Associate members may serve as Standing Committee Directors at any time. Associate members may not serve on the Executive Board.
Section 3. Honorary Membership Shall consist of all past presidents, and the honorary status shall exist for a lifetime. An Honorary Member shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Club, and shall be exempt from payment of dues. Section 4. Dues
a. Annual dues for membership will be determined by the Board of Directors. Fiscal year is June 1 – May 31. Potential members may attend only three meetings as a guest. Thereafter dues are required.
b. New members joining between March 1 – May 31 of a given year will have their dues carried forward to the next year.
Article IV: Officers
Section 1. Officers The elected officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Section 2. Duties of Officers
a. President - The President shall preside at all meetings; appoint all Standing Committee Directors as hereafter specified, with the exception of the Nominating committee; and lead discussions.
b. Vice President - The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in her absence or resignation; and serve as Chairman of the Membership which will review and take necessary action on new applications.
c. Secretary - The Secretary shall take minutes of all meetings; have charge of all correspondence. A summary of the Executive Board meetings will be presented at the next luncheon and regular meeting of the Club by the Secretary.
d. Treasurer - The Treasurer shall accept dues; pay bills upon receipt of statements; be responsible for all moneys including luncheon receipts; prepare tax returns if necessary and prepare a monthly report of all transactions to be presented at each business meeting of the group.
Section 3. Election and Terms of Office
a. Nominations - A Nominating Committee consisting of four general members in addition to the Parliamentarian, who shall serve as Chairman, shall be appointed no later than the March luncheon. Two members shall be appointed by the Board of Directors no later than the March board meeting. Two members shall be nominated from the floor no later than the March luncheon. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of one or more candidates for each elective office, which shall be presented for election at the May luncheon. Nominations for office may also be made from the floor at the May luncheon. Preferably, all candidates for President should have previously served on the Executive Board. Consent of all nominees must be obtained before their names may be submitted.
b. Campaigning - There shall be no campaigning by nominees seeking office; or by anyone on their behalf.
c. Election - Elections shall be held annually at the May luncheon. Voting shall be by secret ballot and a majority of the votes cast shall be necessary for election. The Nominating Committee shall serve as the election committee and shall be responsible for the distribution, collection, tabulation of the ballots, and the reporting of the election results. In the event that any of the five (5) nominating committee members are absent on the day of elections for the tabulation of the ballots, the President shall appoint a member or members to fill the vacancy.
d. Term in Office - New officers shall be installed at the May luncheon, immediately following the elections. The President-elect may call a meeting of the newly elected officers for the purpose of approving appointments and making plans for the following year. The term of office shall be for one year.
e. Vacancies - In case an officer must resign before her term in office expires, the Executive Board shall fill the office by appointment.
Article V: Executive Board
Section 1 The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers, including the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer and the immediate Past President. The Past President shall serve as the Parliamentarian, and shall attend meetings in an advisory capacity. Section 2 Executive Board Meetings The Executive Board shall meet a minimum of one time through the fiscal year, as directed by the President to discuss the business of the Foundation. The Executive Board also meets with the Board of Directors each month. General Board meetings shall be held the first (1st) Wednesday of each month unless otherwise designated by the Executive Board. The Executive Board may meet separately at other times as directed by the President. An Executive Board member may have no more than THREE (3) unexcused absences.
Article VI: Board of Directors
Section 1 Standing Committee Directors The Directors shall be appointed by the President, with the approval of the general membership. Each Director may appoint members as needed for special committees. Chairmen of Ad Hoc Committees will be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. Standing Committees shall consist of Activities, Communications, External Affairs, Hostesses, Program, Special Projects, Volunteer Services, Welcome, Yearbook and Member at Large/Gaming Permit. Section 2 Monthly Board Meetings Meetings shall be held on the first (1st) Wednesday of each month, unless otherwise designated by the Executive Board. A Standing Committee Directors may have no more than THREE (3) unexcused absences.
Section 3 Duties of Standing Committees
a. Hostess - The Hostess Committee shall organize and lead a monthly gathering, making arrangements, as necessary, for location, food, speakers, name tags, etc. The committee also creates and leads the agenda of the gathering. This Committee must collaborate closely with other Standing Committee Directors to understand what programs, announcements, or other items are relevant to attendees.
b. Communications - The Communications Committee shall maintain an electronic mailing list; shall send notice of all meetings and activities to members preferably in the form of a monthly newsletter.
c. Activities - The Activities Committee shall organize groups for any activity in which a group of members may be interested. The planned activities will be published in the monthly Communiqué.
d. Volunteer Services - The Volunteer Services Committee shall review, suggest and coordinate volunteer projects, as well as act as main point of contact for annual nonprofit partner.
e. Welcome - The Welcome Committee shall contact new members and extend a friendly and personal invitation to welcome events they plan throughout the year.
f. Special Projects - The Special Projects Committee shall coordinate all projects as sanctioned or needed by the board.
g. Yearbook - The Yearbook Committee shall publish a yearbook no later than the October luncheon.
h. Member at Large– This director shall assist with special short term assignments when possible.
i. Web Master – Web Master shall maintain the web site and direct web email to the appropriate director from the public or membership.
j. External Affairs – This director assumes responsibility for all external communications (i.e., public relations, marketing, reputation management, branding) to target audiences including potential members and their families, local media, potential and current partners and donors.
Article VII: meetings
Section 1 APWA Luncheons Luncheons shall be held on the fourth (4th) Wednesday of each month unless otherwise designated by the Executive Board.
Section 2 Reservations Reservations for luncheons must be made with the Luncheon Committee by the designated deadline published in the Communiqué. Reservations made and NOT canceled by the specified time must be paid for by the member making same unless the reservation is used by another member or guest. Reservations for luncheons may ONLY be made for members, out-of-town guest, and prospective members.
Section 3 Quorum A quorum for a meeting of the Club to conduct business on elections shall be a majority of the attending membership.
Article VIII: Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended by a majority of the vote of the members present at a luncheon providing notice of the proposed amendment shall have been at the previous luncheon or in writing to every member at least two (2) weeks before the luncheon at which time the amendment is to be enacted.
Article IX: Disposition of Assets
In the event of the dissolution of the Anchorage Petroleum Women’s Association, Inc., any remaining net proceeds from gaming activity under AS 05.15 will be distributed to one or more existing permittees, other than a multi-beneficiary permittee, in accordance with 15 AAC 160.020(a)(5). All assets of the organization not related to gaming shall be donated to a local charity qualifying under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The selection of the charitable organization shall be determined by the Executive Board.
Article X: Fiscal responsibilities
Section 1 Fiscal Year The fiscal year for Anchorage Petroleum Women’s Association, Inc. shall be June 1 - May 31. Section 2 Audit Committee An Audit Committee consisting of three (3) members, or an external professional CPA, shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board. Audit to be completed by June 30.
article XI: robert's rules of order & Standing rules
Robert's Rules of Order Robert's Rules of Order shall govern this organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they do not conflict with the Bylaws. Standing rules
a. Only club related business shall be printed in the Communiqué.
b. All participants in APWA Inc. activities must be paid members.
c. The President appoints all Standing Committee Chairs (following her term of office) for all events.
d. No solicitation of door prizes, including for monthly meetings (i.e. luncheons), except for major fundraising events.
e. Programs are limited to non-fee speakers. Programs must be informative rather than commercial or fundraising in nature and may not be political or church related, including members who are in business and are invited as guest speakers. Community arts groups (who are supported by the community) are acceptable speakers.
f. No member shall represent the APWA Inc. in an official capacity without prior Board of Director approval.
g. Given that our club is a social and charitable organization, the information that is contained on the website ( or in the APWA Directory is solely for the personal use of APWA members. The website and directory are not to be used by APWA membership or others in order to advertise goods, services or events. This includes, but is not limited to, general customer mailing lists, generating e-mail distribution lists, social media and sending facsimile messages.
h. The Anchorage Petroleum Women’s Association, Inc. will not reimburse expenses for any coffee, tea, food, paper goods, etc. that any officer and/or committee person incurs other than the Holiday Tea, Welcome Coffee or other Board approved general membership events.