Any Anchorage-area woman over the age of 18 is welcome to join at any time. Membership dues are $40/year. A yearly membership is valid June 1st to May 31st, each year. Upon joining, members receive a monthly newsletter via email, which provides information about organization activities like monthly luncheons, activity group gatherings and volunteer opportunities. Additionally, current members may also join the private member Facebook pages. Please review the different membership options below to learn more. Ready to join?
Per our constitution, there are three types of membership: 1) Eligibility for Petroleum Membership Women currently or formerly associated with the petroleum industry (employed by or partner of employee) are eligible for petroleum membership. Women must be 18 years of age or older. Petroleum industry association is defined as personal or partner’s employment with the following: oil companies, companies whose business activities are the same as those to be found in the petroleum industry, and service companies whose work primarily serves the petroleum industry in Alaska.
2) Eligibility for Associate Membership Women who do not meet the requirements for petroleum membership wishing to participate in the Anchorage Petroleum Women's Association activities are eligible for associate membership. Women must be 18 years of age or older. These members may serve as Standing Committee Directors at the discretion of the Executive Board. A ratio of no more than 50% Associate members may serve as Standing Committee Directors at any time. Associate members may not serve on the Executive Board.
3) Eligibility for Honorary Membership Shall consist of all past presidents, and the honorary status shall exist for a lifetime. An Honorary Member shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Club, and shall be exempt from payment of dues.